The purpose of the Prayer Ministry Team is to facilitate the move of the Holy Spirit in individuals in corporate gatherings and in personal interactions. They are to uphold the congregation and leaders and also the community in prayer. They must be able to receive and pray for concerns and requests from individuals in the congregation, be available to pray if the need arises, cover the various ministry teams of Kingdom Manna with prayer and to receive any prayer concerns they may have, work with the Senior Pastor to provide opportunities for the congregation to enrich their prayer lives, provide a prayer shield for campus leaders, and discern future directions and needs for the Prayer Team.
The Hospitality Ministry is responsible for providing a welcoming, safe environment in all of our Kingdom Manna locations. Hospitality is responsible for working with staff, members, and visitors to identify their needs and ensure the best experience at Kingdom Manna.
Media ministers work behind the scenes to make it possible to share the message with online viewers and physical members and visitors through amplified sound, recordings, PowerPoint presentations, Web pages and other forms of communication. Media Team Ministry duties include providing quality sound control for worship services, to coordinate among the sound crew and video presentation group a schedule of workers so that each service is appropriately staffed.
Kingdom Manna's ushers stands at the church's entryway and greets church visitors as they arrive, escorts individuals to their seats or directs them as to empty seats in the sanctuary, and helps those who need special seating or accommodations. Our Hospitality and Ushering Ministry coordinate together to provide a safe, welcoming environment.
Within the Security Ministry, you will undertake the surveillance of our premises and the protection of our staff, members and visitors. In addition, you will be responsible for detecting any suspicious happenings, monitor property entrance, secure all exits, doors and windows, permitting and denying entry, maintaining the safety of all those entering and exiting the premises. In addition, you will be providing security-altar support at the pulpit.
The missions/outreach team ignites a passion for local, global and cross-cultural outreach, equipping all believers and ministries at Kingdom Manna. They are responsible for the local, regional, and global outreach ministries of Kingdom Manna. It is their duty to build a culture of “compassionate outreach” within every age group and ministry area of our church for people not knowing the grace of Jesus Christ.ā